The singer and musician Juanes begins his day very early, he wakes up then, he takes shower, he has breakfast with his family, he picks up his children to school when he is available.
he does exercise in the gym and perform your established exercise routine, he loves to be with your children every day and he shares with his family in a park, beach or excursions.http://i.tvynovelas.com/dam/co/noticias/16/07/11/juanes.jpg.imgw.1280.1280.jpeg https://static.diariofemenino.com/pictures/fotos/214000/214710-4.jpg
he likes stay around Friends and have social life, he gets excited when he sing a beautiful song and he carry on concerts, plays the guitar and shares with other singers of different or equal musical genres, and at the end when he come back at home, he likes rest with his family.
Juanes keep on to contribute with his foundation “MI SANGRE”
Juanes life holds in three pillars: music, family and God.